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Loving Valentine’s Day, Single or Taken

This year, there’s no need to focus on whether you’ve proclaimed February 14 “Singles Awareness Day” or if you’re celebrating the love of your life. No matter if you’re single or taken, Valentine’s Day is a great way to spread some love in the world. Instead of getting caught up in the commercial part of the holiday, focus on ways that you can show the people in your life that you love them. These simple and easy acts will have you loving Valentine’s Day, and others will appreciate your efforts.

The Gift that Keeps Giving
If you’re going to give the ones you love a gift, you can find gifts that also benefits others. Many companies offer products that also benefit a cause when you purchase them. Those gifts will have much more meaning, especially if your loved ones have an interest in the organization that’s benefiting from your purchase.

Give Away Your Gifts
Surprise your loved ones by giving the money you would have spent on a gift and give it to a charity you know they love. The gift will last much longer than roses and chocolates. You can also give the gift of time. Make your Valentine’s Day date with an organization you’re passionate about. Whether you’re with a significant other or volunteer on your own, you’ll have a great holiday knowing you’re making a difference.

Spread the Love Around
Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to simply be for the couples. Give some of your love to people who may need it. Make Valentine’s Day cards for people who may need you to brighten their day. Send mail to troops overseas, or even somebody in the hospital. They’ll be happy to know that somebody is thinking of them, and you’ll feel great knowing that you made a difference in their day. It can also be especially rewarding if they write you a letter back, so include a return address just in case.

Childhood Valentines
Take this Valentine’s Day to show the ones you care about in your life how much they mean to you. But instead of spending loads of money on an elaborate gift, do something that comes from your heart. This can be as simple as making them a homemade card like the ones you used to make as a kid. Go all out sprinkling glitter on glue and dotting your letters with hearts. If you really want to go back to your childhood days, send an anonymous Valentine to someone special in your life. Write a personalized message telling them how much they mean to you. If the card is personalized enough, they’ll know it was you and they’ll appreciate that you were thinking of them on this holiday.
